Artist Bio
Jason Au
Jason Au (b. 1994) is an award-winning photographer based in Hong Kong. Jason specialises in street and fine art photography, with black and white as his preferred medium of expression. His high-aesthetic works often incorporate creative, geometric and balanced compositions.
His street photography series “Hong Kong Lines and Patterns” comes with the compositional approach of isolating urban subjects, geometric elements and forms from the chaotic urban environment of his hometown. The series portrayed the way of life of different urban subjects in the context of their surrounding geometric environment, which were all culled from mundane everyday scenes. Nevertheless, those subjects look trapped and lost inside an artificial geometric labyrinth without realising it - perhaps this series is also a metaphorical view of urbanity and the hectic contemporary way of life within a metropolis like Hong Kong.
Jason has won numerous international photography awards, including Shortlisted in the “Sony World Photography Awards” (Architectural & Design Category, Professional Competition) in 2022, 2nd Place in “LensCulture Street Photography Awards” (Single Image) in 2021, 1st Place in “International Photography Awards (IPA)” (Street Photography Category) in 2021, 1st Place in “IPA - One Shot: Our Times - Pandemic Perspectives” (Isolation Category) in 2021, 1st Place in “ND Awards” (Street Photography Category) in 2021, 1st Place in “Paris Street Photo Awards” (Street & Architecture Category) in 2021, 2nd Place in “Fine Art Photography Awards” (Street Photography Category) in 2021, Silver Prize in “Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3)” (Street Photography Category) in 2021, Silver Prize in “Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA)" (Portfolio - Fine Art), and Best 50 Photographers in “BNW Minimalist Photography Prize” in 2021 etc., as well as many other Honorable Mentions.
Jason’s works have been exhibited in London, New York, Athens, Ghent (Belgium), Trieste (Italy), Tuscan (USA), Orlando (USA), Portland (USA) and Minneapolis (USA).
His works have been featured in the South China Morning Post, the Guardian and the Observer.
Jason is an artist at Blue Lotus Gallery of Hong Kong and a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (FRPS).
生於1994年,Jason Au(歐忠信)是一名屢獲國際獎項的香港攝影師。他專攻黑白攝影,尤其對藝術攝影及街頭攝影感興趣。他的作品往往融合了幾何元素、光影對比及精準的構圖,突顯攝影主體的形態。他希望用相機把身邊一𣊬即逝的片刻細節凝結下來,變成驚豔的黑白作品。
歐氏曾獲得多個國際攝影獎項,包括2022年「索尼世界攝影大賽」建築與設計組別(專業組)入圍作品、2021年「LensCulture街頭攝影獎」單張相片組亞軍、2021年「IPA國際攝影獎」街頭攝影組別冠軍、2021年「IPA國際攝影獎 - One Shot: Our Times - Pandemic Perspectives」組別冠軍、2021年「ND攝影獎」街頭攝影組別冠軍、2021年「巴黎街頭攝影獎」街頭與建築組別冠軍、2021年「FAPA藝術攝影獎」街頭攝影組別亞軍、2021年「巴黎PX3攝影獎」街頭攝影組別銀獎、2021年「布達佩斯BIFA國際攝影獎」藝術攝影作品集組別銀獎及2020年「黑白極簡主義攝影獎」最佳50名攝影師等,以及眾多榮譽獎項。
歐氏為香港藍蓮畫廊(Blue Lotus Gallery)的攝影藝術家及英國皇家攝影學會最高榮銜的博學會士(FRPS)。