Jason Au
Photographer | Hong Kong
The Beauty of Mundane Moments
I’m a photographer based in Hong Kong, my hometown. My website showcases the selected works I’ve been shooting, including Hong Kong street photography, images I took when travelling abroad, and some portraiture. Most of my works come with a fine art quality.
I always shoot in black and white. It has a mesmerising quality to transform reality into something dramatic, direct and powerful. In my black and white composition, I like to exploit the use of prominent geometric lines, the stark contrast between light and shadows, and the dynamic interplay between textures and forms.
I’m currently shooting with a Leica M10 Monochrom camera with various focal lengths of Leica M-lenses ranging from 24mm to 135mm.
My photographic journey began in 2017 when I first stumbled across the notion of ‘street photography’ after visiting a photo exhibition by Hong Kong’s great master street photographer Fan Ho (1931-2016). From that time, I also started strolling around the city with my camera, taking candid shots of people blended into the crowded yet attractive streetscapes of Hong Kong. Being intrigued to seize those fleeting moments around, I always think that mundane scenes around us from everyday life can be meticulously selected and culled then turned into something quite extraordinary. Just think of the excitement when looking back on those pictures after years and reliving those fleeting moments again.
I hope you enjoyed my work and feel a unique atmosphere and energy coming from those black and white images.
Jason Au
攝影師 | 香港
我是香港的攝影師。這是我的個人網站,展示了我一直以來拍攝的精選作品:包括我鍾愛的街頭與藝術攝影,也有我在旅行時拍攝的作品,以及一些人像照。 我認為我的作品都比較注重構圖、平衡和美感,希望能令攝影主體呈示着藝術性的品質。
我使用的相機組合是Leica(徠卡)M10 Monochrom,配以Leica M鏡頭,我使用的焦距由24毫米到135毫米不等。
我對攝影的熱衷始於2017年。當時我參觀了香港街頭攝影大師何藩(1931-2016)先生的攝影展覽後,第一次接觸了「街頭攝影」的概念。自此,我也開始拿着相機遊走於香港的橫街窄巷,拍攝這「石屎森林」下的人生百態和𣊬息萬變的街景。 我總覺得,我們身邊日常生活的環境事物或許毫不起眼,但經過攝影者抽絲剝繭地精心挑選和鋪排畫面,可使鏡頭下事物轉化成不平凡且優美的寫照。縱使按下快門的一𣊬雖短,卻可把當刻美好的人物事物留得雋永,或許這也是攝影耐人尋味之處。